Have you thought about what the popular 4-day work week could look like in your business?

The concept of a 4-day work week is back on the radar and gaining in popularity. It may not suit every business but there’s more than one way to do it so it may be worth another look.

Picking up on a report in HRNZ’s online magazine, here are 4 different possible approaches:

- The whole business closes down for one day each week

- Stagger the day off for individual employees – or whole teams

- Still work 5 days, but work shorter hours to make up 1 day off per week

- Seasonal variations, with an average of 32 hours per week over the year

No doubt there are plenty of other ways to structure this, depending on the nature of your business, customer and supplier interactions and staff numbers.

Time to get creative perhaps?

Unilever New Zealand ran a trial that was so successful that it is being rolled out across the Tasman as well.

What do you think – Will the 4-day work week be widely adopted here in NZ within the next few years, or is it a non-starter?

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