Are you trying to attract workers in a deskless workforce? are you offering flexibility?

Do you have a largely “deskless” workforce whose jobs make it impossible to offer remote or work-from-home options? Yet to attract workers, especially female workers, you know you have to offer flexibility, so what do you do?
Our mates across the ditch at Humanforce (an HR software company) have done some recent research into this and my experience tells me that the situation here in New Zealand is very similar.
70% of female workers want flexibility in managing shifts, prioritising this over higher pay.
They want choices that make it possible to work around other responsibilities.

They want to be able to switch or swap shifts quickly if they need to, without tedious bureaucratic processes. Most would be happy to use apps that make this easy.
Part-time and job share options are still heavily preferred over full-time jobs. Only 32% would prefer full-time.
And another key indicator of how female workers judge employers of choice is based on the training and development opportunities that they can access.
If figuring out how to make your business more attractive to potential employees is in your “too-hard basket”, follow us here or get in touch to set up a no-obligation discovery call.


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