Attention Business Owners and Managers

Summer closedowns are around the corner, and it's vital to be aware of key points regarding employee holidays and public holidays during this time. Here's what you need to know:

The Holidays Act permits one annual closedown, usually during the Christmas period. Rules vary based on employee situations.

For Employees Entitled to annual leave:
·        Provide 14 days' notice for closedown.
·        They use annual leave to cover it.
·        If leave is insufficient, consider unpaid leave or advance leave.
New Employees:
·        Those with less than 12 months of continuous employment must receive 8% of gross earnings.
·        Their anniversary date realigns with the closedown so you will need to take this into account in the future.
·        Consider offering the option for leave in advance.
Public Holidays:
During closedown, if a public holiday falls within the closedown period, employees are entitled to payment as if they'd worked.

Key Considerations:
·        Negotiate if multiple closedowns are needed.
·        Always give 14 days' notice.
·        Be fair to employees starting close to closedown; consider advance leave.

Ensure a smooth summer break for your team!


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